Every year, the tree near our garage explodes in color. And every year, I'm frustrated that I can't quite capture how amazing it is. But this year, I tried using my Blue Toyota Sienna as a reflector, and I used a borrowed Nikon D3x 24 megapixel full frame digital SLR to capture the beauty.
Finally, the car gave that tree the companion it needed to really show off.
Oh, wait. This isn't the Nikon. It's just the iPhone camera. And the old one at that... a measly 2 Mpixels.
I love how the curves of the hood give action to the tree. Every time I just aim a camera at the amazing tree, it seems to hide its beauty. But I like how these work.
Okay, kinda the same, but I just couldn't choose.
I wonder what causes that ripple effect.
A view on the side window. My neighbor's white picket fence peeks through.
Glorious orange.
Oh, I just think this is so cool. Look at the round window bolt cover. Even it has reflection of the tree.
I Photoshopped in the picket fence cause I thought it looked so cool. Not true. This is just how it came out of the camera. (With a smidge of exposure correction.)
Ah, the secrets of Toyota photography go on. It turns out you can make and ugly tree look great too. This wasn't a setup. Was just how the little iPhone camera saw things.
I love the little red leaf stuck in the rear wiper. Also look at how the distortion in the glass near the base of the wiper makes things look fluid.
And now it all looks very pedestrian and not so exciting, like it always seems to do each year. The blue Toyota is in the driveway on the right. The orange tree is in the foregrounc (you knew that.) And the "ugly tree" that was in the rear window is just behind the minivan. Ah, the orange tree has finally been captured. Maybe this spring I'll use the same technique on the Cherry tree, which also has defied great photography.
During the unConference, I was taking photos and some videos. Since I love video editing, I couldn't resist putting it all together in this little overview. I think it captures some of the energy and excitement of the day. Thanks to everyone who made the day so special!
Here's Don's blog post: http://dondodge.typepad.com/the_next_big_thing/2009/10/boston-startup-events-resources-people-you-need-to-know.html
When I first called Carl Dietrich at Terrafugia, we didn't know each other at all. I just figured that something as cool as a flying car would be inspirational to all our attendees. And, I used to fly a lot starting when I was a teenager, so I couldn't resist seeing if they would bring the "roadable aircraft" over to Burlington, just a short hop from their factory in Woburn.
Well, when I actually got to see the vehicle in action, it was even more amazing than I had imagined. I felt inspired by what Carl and Terrafugia have done. I shot some video footage at the event, and even did a quick interview with Carl. I couldn't resist editing it together with a little music and a few titles so people who couldn't see the vehicle in person can see just how amazing it is. Carl, thanks for bringing the car, plane, flying car, roadable aircraft, to the event. And to everyone reading, take a gander at this 6 minute video. It's worth watching!