The Flying Car at MassTLC unConference Part II: An Interview with Carl Dietrich of Terrafugia

When I first called Carl Dietrich at Terrafugia, we didn't know each other at all. I just figured that something as cool as a flying car would be inspirational to all our attendees. And, I used to fly a lot starting when I was a teenager, so I couldn't resist seeing if they would bring the "roadable aircraft" over to Burlington, just a short hop from their factory in Woburn.

Well, when I actually got to see the vehicle in action, it was even more amazing than I had imagined. I felt inspired by what Carl and Terrafugia have done. I shot some video footage at the event, and even did a quick interview with Carl. I couldn't resist editing it together with a little music and a few titles so people who couldn't see the vehicle in person can see just how amazing it is.

Carl, thanks for bringing the car, plane, flying car, roadable aircraft, to the event. And to everyone reading, take a gander at this 6 minute video. It's worth watching!