Small Money Can Buy Big Love: Why Buying 20x30" Enlargements is The Best Possible Way to Spend $25 (or better yet, $65)

I love photography. Have since I was six years old. But digital photography doesn't really exist. It only lives in the minds of our computers or iPhones. Real photography lives on the walls of the places you live and work. Real photography is analog. Real photography touches your heart because it envelops you, lives with you, and speaks to you, even when you're not beckoning it forward from from the digital depths of your devices.

So I say to you: Go out and buy giant enlargements! Big ones. Even huge ones. (And please, comment on this blog post when you get them!) A 20x30" enlargement costs less than an entree at a good restaurant. And they keep on giving and giving. And here's the amazing thing: You don't need perfect pictures for these great enlargements. You'll only look at them from a distance. Even when Shutterfly complains that your image doesn't have enough resolution (if, for example you cropped an image), go ahead and click "add to cart." You'll be amazed.

Photographs can and do capture love. You can buy photographs with money. Release your images from their digital bondage and have them explode on your walls -- in your garage, in your basement, in your family room, anywhere that you have room for some giant images. And consider spending a few extra bucks for fantastic mounting of your images on lightweight, but strong Gatorboard. (Nations Photo Lab can do this)

Note: Usually Shutterfly is less expensive than Nations, but check out Nations link below. They are offering 50% (!) off on enlargements, which makes a 20x30 cost only $14.50 for their top of the line professional metallic print, with color correction. These metallic prints just take your breath away, and they are gloriously glossy, compared to Shutterfly's matte. Also, Nations Photo Lab can go up to 30x40 (wow, that's two 20x30's next to each other). With mounting on black 1/2" gatorboard, that 30x40 would still be under $85. Now that's a lot of love! What a present that would be for a grandparent with a rather large wall waiting for imagery.

Nations Photo Lab (The vertical print on 1/2" gatorboard)

They are in Maryland, and ground shipping is plenty fast.
They are obsessive packers; the prints or boards arrive in perfect condition

Shutterfly: (The ones on the dining room table, and on the wall)

SHIP40 gets you free shipping for orders over $40. (buy two prints!)

4 responses
Those look really nice! I think I'm going to order a few 20x30's now :) Just need to decide which ones!
Bill - Thanks for sharing the techstars boston world with all of us. I love the program. I really enjoyed participating as a mentor last year and look forward to it this year as well. Happy DeLurking Day 2010. I have you on my blog roll and lurk @ your blog often. i am going to try to get more into the dialogue this year with comments. I encourage you to do this same on my blog. Rock on.
Great Idea!
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