Movie: Rory on the Morphing Handcycle - this is an amazing machine; watch this video! #morphhc

Rory McCarthy is the inventor of the Morphing Handcycle, which converts from a maneuverable, indoor vehicle that's as tall as a bar stool, to a low, fast, racing handcycle that will take you home twenty miles away.
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Rory and I are meeting today at the shop in Derry, NH, working with George Reynolds, who is buildiing the new Morph III design. (See below)

One of the main improvements in the Morph III prototype is to make the low rider mode much lower to the ground, for better stability. Here is the side view in Powerpoint for Morph II, using the original design Solidworks files created by Graham Butler of Intrepid Equipment:

And here is the latest design, Morph III: